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This past weekend/week, the Auxiliary gave Boating Safety talks to HOA's on the Lake.  We also did Public Affairs events to pass on Boating Safety to the public, we also offered and completed numerous Free Vessel Inspections.  Our next BOATING SAFETY CLASS  is on June 15th.

Be Safe
For more information, please visit:

Editors Note:

With the busy approaching holiday, we thought the timing right to emphasize don't drink and drive in your car and on your boat. 

National Safe Boating Week concludes this coming weekend..  Operation Dry Water is a national effort to not drink and drive while operating your water craft.   Please read more about this effort and take a read to help keep Lake Gaston a safe place to enjoy the water.

As a friendly reminder, as with most major holidays, we should expect to see the US Coast Guard on the lake conducting safety checks.  You should make sure your vessel has the required safety equipment on board to include a PDF for every occupant, whistle or horn, operable fire extinguisher and a throwable.   Don't forget to wear the engine kill switch.  As a service, the Water Safety Council has provided a limited supply of fire extinguishers and throwables to save the operator an expensive ticket.


Operation Dry Water (ODW) is proud to join boating safety advocates nationwide as part of National Safe Boating Week, May 18 - 24, to remind boat operators and passengers of the dangers associated with boating under the influence (BUI).

As part of National Safe Boating Week, running from May 18 - 24, 2024, Operation Dry Water (ODW) is reminding boat operators and passengers of the dangers associated with boating under the influence (BUI). Taking place just before Memorial Day weekend, National Safe Boating Week serves as a key reminder for boaters to implement safe practices on the water.

"National Safe Boating Week is an excellent opportunity for us to come together as a boating community and emphasize the importance of safe boating," said Curt Lewis, NASBLA Chair. "By staying sober, always wearing a life jacket, and completing a boating safety course before heading out, boaters can significantly improve their safety on the water. Recognizing that impaired boating is as dangerous as impaired driving is vital. Together, we can prevent incidents and save lives."

Operation Dry Water continues its dedicated efforts to combat boating under the influence by raising awareness and supporting the enforcement of BUI laws. Impaired boating remains a serious concern as alcohol and drugs can severely impair a boater's judgment, reaction time, and ability to operate a vessel safely. Alcohol use is the leading contributing factor in recreational boating fatalities.*



Lake Gaston Water Safety Council
Membership Meeting
April 24, 2024   

President Lewis Mustain welcomed members and guests to the membership dinner meeting held at Kennon House and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Vice President Wyatt Andrews offered grace before attendees enjoyed a buffet dinner. President Lewis called the meeting to order at 6:47 PM with 34 people in attendance.

March 2024 Meeting Minutes - Debbie Pulgencio made a motion, seconded by Byron Waters, to approve the minutes; motion carried.

March 2024 Treasurer’s Report - Treasurer Debbie Andrews reported our current balance as $5,319.57. Debbie Pulgencio made a motion, seconded by Ray Jeter, to approve the report; motion carried.

Trailer Schedule - Susie Deschenes provided a signup sheet and asked for additional volunteers to host and / or haul, set-up and tear down the safety trailer at events this year. Volunteers will receive a FREE Water Safety Council shirt! Please contact Susie for more information or to volunteer.

Glenn Hart, Dominion Energy representative, reported upcoming changes to Dominion’s Shoreline Management program. Glenn has accepted a new position – Senior Safety Specialist, Renewable Energy Program. He will continue to work with LGWSC during the transition of hiring and training his replacement. Congratulations and good luck, Glenn!

Program: Boating Safety
Presented by Capt. Joey Lopresti, Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office and Capt. Joey Baird, Blue Persuasion

Preventative Maintenance: At least twice each season, inspect all fittings above and below the waterline, checking for potential leaks.

Life Jackets: Bright colored life jackets, such as orange and yellow, improve visibility when the user is floating in the water. Always wear life jackets but especially when:

  • Boating at night or other times of reduced visibility
  • In congested waterways
  • When you are by yourself
  • In rough weather and hazardous waters

Required Equipment on Your Vessel:

  • One personal flotation device in good condition for each person on board
  • Three current-dated, hand-held approved flares
  • The correct number of approved fire extinguishers, which is based on the length of the vessel
  • A sound-making device: a whistle, horn, or bell that is audible for one-half mile
  • Working running lights  

Boating under the Influence: About half of all boating accidents involve drugs or alcohol.

Fact or Fiction?
Myth: Beer is less intoxicating than wine or distilled liquor.
Fact: One 12-oz beer contains the same amount of alcohol as 5 oz of 12% wine or 1-1/2 oz of 80-proof liquor.

Myth: Diluting hard liquor slows the absorption rates.
Fact: Diluting an alcoholic beverage with water or fruit juice slows absorption. However, mixing alcohol with a carbonated beverage increases absorption and intoxicates you more quickly.

Myth: A cold shower, coffee, physical activity or fresh air will sober you up.
Fact: Only your liver can detoxify alcohol. For each drink you consume, it takes approximately 2 hours to sober up.

Myth: A shot of brand or whisky will warm you up.
Fact: Alcohol dilates the small blood vessels which reduces the body’s ability to guard against heat loss.

Myth: You cannot receive a ticket if you are under the influence of prescribed drugs.
Fact: Operating a vessel while under the influence of prescription drugs will make you just as liable as operating under the influence of alcohol.

Myth: Alcohol is a stimulant.
Fact: Alcohol is a depressant that is absorbed directly into the blood stream through the stomach. Judgment, balance, vision and reaction time are affected almost immediately.

Congratulations to Drew Goodwin, who won $30.00 in the 50/50 Drawing and then donated it back to us! Thanks, Drew!

Next Membership Meeting – May 29, 2024, 6 PM
Motion to Adjourn at 8:03 PM by Ray Jeter, seconded by Wyatt Andrews; motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Lin Harbold, Secretary       

You may have read the recent sad story about a 62 year old resident of Minnesota who was canoeing alone.  He was found in the water unresponsive without a life jacket.  A life jacket was found nearby. 

We can’t stress this enough.  Don’t even think about boating alone if not wearing a personal flotation device (PFD).  

Stuff happens while on the water.  I’m sure this poor individual didn’t plan on going in the water when he did!

More Outreach - the Safety Message Never Stops

May is National Water Safety Month.

The Water Safety Council is gearing up for the upcoming busy boating season.

President Lewis Mustian (R) and Vice President Wyatt Andrews were present to meet with Scoutmaster Butch Vogel and Webelos leader Dani Quinn to speak to the boys of Troop and Pack 132, Tuesday evening at Pleasant Hill Christian Church in Gasburg, VA.

Many parents were also in attendance.

Become a Member of the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council

Memberships are $5.00 per person - $10.00 per family $10.00 per Business.