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Data taken 15 June 2015.  Water level 200 feet.

Clearances on Bridges and Tunnels on Lake Gaston This information is provided by USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 93 and is at best available information. However, skippers are responsible for their own boat’s safety before entering a causeway tunnel/bridge.

Bridge Height of Bridge Water Depth
Song Bird Creek 6’ 6” 5’
Eaton Ferry Bridge 9’11” 34.5’
Lizard Creek River Road 6’3” 4’
Pea Hill Creek River Road 8’7” 15.5’
Pea Hill Creek Rt 626 9’ 12.2’
Pea Hill Creek Rt 667 5’4” 9.5’
Popular Creek Rt 903 9’4” 16’
Norcarva Rt 1334 6’5” 5.5’
Holly Grove Rt 903 8’11” 8’
Lake Gaston Water Safety Council - How we came to be

The Lake Gaston Water Safety Council was formed on February 22, 1989. We are thankful for Joe Peterson, formerly with what is now known as Dominion Energy, for envisioning the need back in 1988 to organize a group of interested persons who lived on the lake to solely focus on safety on the water. Much has happened over the last 20 plus years.

As the years passed and more people started to use the lake, boating and boating-related accidents became more frequent. Boating safety and training were the initial offerings of the WSC. In 1991, the US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 93 was chartered.

Several near electrocutions relating to improperly installed boat lifts resulted in the WSC developing recommendations for proper grounding and the use of ground-fault receptacles. Through it all the WSC has evolved and enjoys excellent working relations with Dominion Energy, local officers of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and the Virginia Game and Inland fisheries. In addition, we partner with key business and organizational stakeholders around the lake.

You will read elsewhere on our web site information about training presented by Flotilla 93, our life jacket loaner program, information about our Safety Trailer, why we now have hazard and navigational buoys (there are over 32) and the mile markers which cover the lake from the dam to 34 miles to the western edge. The need to think about safety never stops and we have much more to do.

Become a Member of the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council

Memberships are $5.00 per person - $10.00 per family $10.00 per Business.