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The next time you cross the Eaton Ferry bridge, look on the south side just east of the bridge to see our most important message “Life Jackets Float - People Don’t”. We hope this high traffic area near the marinas and restaurants will constantly promote water safety.

 Our thanks to Marvin Shearin who gave us permission to place the sign on his property.

Are we ready for summer 2023?

I can assure you the lake is ready for the summer migration as we merge the full-timers with the vacationers and part-timers who will soon fill the 20,000 acres and 350 miles of shoreline not to mention the grocery stores, restaurants (we have some new ones) and shopping areas, etc.

We are always reluctant to toot our own horn and I've learned long ago to never take credit for anything.   People will notice.  However, now is not the time to get complacent since we have already had one boater who tried to drive over (not under) the EF Bridge.

A recent article in a newspaper at a nearby lake in Virginia noted 22 boating safety accidents in 2022.   My memory isn't what it was but I can think of less than 10 here on Lake Gaston last summer.

The facts are the water safety record on Lake Gaston year after year is very good.   Why is that?   I'd like to think boater safety training and awareness by the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, the USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 9-3 monthly boater safety classes, the LGA Public Safety Committee and we can't forget NC Wildlife, Virginia Department of Water Resource Management and the first responders (both volunteer and paid) who are ready to respond on a moments notice.   Surely all are contributing factors. 

What can you do to prevent boating safety accidents this year?  Of course, the answer is awareness and boat responsibly.  No drinking when operating a watercraft and wear the PFD (it's mandatory for my visiting grandkids and young guests) down at the boathouse and while underway.   Always a good reminder to be considerate of others with your wake.  

It's all common sense.  We just can't let our guard down this boating season.  

For more safe boating tips, please visit the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council website: www.lkgwsc.org.

My wish to all is a safe and fun boating season.  Let's all enjoy this beautiful lake and never forget to watch out for the other guy. 

Brian Goldsworthy

Past President, Lake Gaston Water Safety Council 

The Electrical Safe Boat House

The Water Safety Council was formed, in part, because of electrical shock around boathouses. Electrocution is still a real possibility at Lake Gaston.

Improper installation, faulty equipment or frayed wiring can allow electricity to flow into the water around the source. The accompanying picture shows a quick check for voltage on boat lift.

The lift is up in the air not touching the water. The meter is set to a low range for AC voltage (sorry, this $10 multimeter's lowest range is 200). The black test lead is hanging in the water and the red test lead should touch a crossbar or the cable on the lift. If you don't feel comfortable testing this, ask an electrician.

Space is too short to go into all of the possibilities of what could go wrong, but here's a known problem. You may have two grounding rods connected in the electrical panel (breaker box) at the boathouse. They can be at different potentials and cause an unbalanced system.

  • Look for a grounding rod at the shore and trace it to the panel.
  • Now look for the power wires that are coming from your house. If the bare copper wire in that cable is connected, along with the wire that comes from the rod you found, that could be your problem.
  • Kill the breaker at the house that feeds power to the boathouse.
  • Remove one of those grounds (preferably the one from the shore rod) and securely tighten the remaining ground wire and any other wires that were under the ground lug in the panel.
  • Turn the breaker back on and retest with the meter.

     If you are ever in the water and feel a "tingle" or "buzz" swim back the way you came and have it checked out.

Wyatt Andrews
(Not an electrician)
Past President


In 2023 the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council...


  • Used funds from Dominion Energy, Virginia Beach Utilities, and members, and partnered with USCG Aux, 911 Task Force, area VFDs, and VA & NC Wildlife, to provide safety awareness around Lake Gaston.
  • Provided over 50 new Yellow Lawn signs that are to be posted at ramps, businesses, along roads and at HOAs.
  • Had a Billboard erected at Eaton's Ferry Bridge to promote the Water Safety Council message.
  • Purchased 42 (and distributed 10) Life Jackets for the loaner program and worked with 9 area marinas/camp-grounds/businesses to have jackets available for the public.
  • Provided the USCG Auxiliary with Waterproof Outdoor Display Boxes to exhibit safety information at public boat ramps.
  • Updated and promoted our lkgwsc.org website.
  • Moved extra life jackets, signs, brochures, etc., to donated storage space provided by The Lake Gaston Association.
  • Updated and printed 6,500 brochures and maps for distribution.
  • Stuffed and distributed 1,000 brochure packets  to 18 realtors, businesses, and marina partners. These are given to renters and new home or boat buyers to provide water safety information.
  • Held 7 Membership meetings (with 7 presentations) and 10 Board meetings.
  • John 3:16 (C.A.R.E.) summer camp.
  • Assisted USCG Auxiliary with 6 presentations reaching over 130 campers and 8 counselors.
  • Serviced, washed, and prepped our Safety Trailer for set up at 6 public locations (including Youth Fire Camps and Open Houses), where we met over 400 people and distributed brochures, maps, wristbands and whistles.
  • Houses), where we met over 400 people and distributed brochures, maps, wristbands and whistles.
  • Administered the Get Home Safely program. We continue to provide Fire Extinguishers and Throwables to USCG. This program keeps the Coast Guard from escorting boats to dock and builds community.
  • Pleased to see the WSC-funded Viper radio in service with the Lake Gaston USCG Auxiliary to directly communicate with law enforcement, EMS, and Fire.


Become a Member of the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council

Memberships are $5.00 per person - $10.00 per family $10.00 per Business.