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So happy to report that Debbie Andrews has volunteered to be our Treasurer.  Debbie and husband Wyatt have been active supporters of the organization.  Many of you know Wyatt who is the Membership Chair.  

Debbie jumped in with both feet when Jack passed and already has access to the financial records and will be working on the treasury report.   The board will be meeting on March 11 by Zoom and an update will then be emailed to the membership plus Debbie’s report.  

Just so you know, we have posted Debbie's photo on the web site in the officers section.  

We will miss you.  Thanks for all you did for the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council.  RIP

I received in the mail my new NC 2024 boat decal.   Inside the envelope was a good message worth repeating.    

Last year, 13 boaters lost their lives in North Carolina waters.  7 of them were not wearing a life vest.  
NC Wildlife also asks to Wake Responsibility.   These reminders are also worth repeating.  
Stay at least 200 feet away from the shoreline, dock or other structures.  
Keep music at reasonable levels.  Sound travels well over water.  If it is loud enough to hear at 80 feet back, it is likely loud enough for homeowners and others to hear too.
Minimize repetitive passes on any one portion of the shoreline.  Once you’ve run the same line for awhile, move on to another area.  
And for everyone operating a boat, you are responsible for your own wake. 



Thanks Lea Beazley for helping us spread holiday cheer!

I write an article on water safety which appears bimonthly in the LGA Bulletin. Usually, it is pretty easy to come up with a subject to discuss. For some reason, the last article was a bit of a challenge. I thought you might appreciate reading what will be posted in the December/January issue. Sometimes trouble just follows me. Certainly hope others can learn from my carelessness. Suffice to say, sure wish I was wearing my PFD.

I had a deadline on October 30; as I write this it’s October 31 so I missed it. I tried to start it this morning and no sparks. So I set it aside and maybe after lunch. That didn’t work either so I walked down to the boat to putter and get standing water off my boat cover. My wife Chris came down with me (luckily), so we could put the new umbrella cover-up on top of the boat house.

It was a bit cool with a steady lake breeze so I had my brand new sort of winter coat on, my new ball cap and shorts/shoes. She was up top and I was downstairs and used a mop to push up on the cover to remove the rainwater. So far so good. Done it lots of times.

Do you remember us talking about life jackets float and people don't? We also say the time to put on a life jacket is not when you are in the water. Well, stuff happens quickly when you least expect on the water. Stepping up to the dock from the boat I lost my balance and gravity kicked in. I remember hitting my right hip on the side of the boat railing before ending up in the 8 feet deep water. My water-soaked winter coat was like an anchor and down I went.

I’m writing this so obviously, everything worked out ok. Thankfully, I still remembered how to swim but it was pretty difficult making it to the dock ladder. My wife helped me get out so I at least didn’t pull this maneuver by myself.

What did I learn? Even simple tasks around water can go sideways. Wear the life jacket!

It will take days for my coat to dry. As to my hat, if anyone sees a brown cap with Quail Ridge CC on the brim, please let me know.

I’ve got to find a better way for story ideas.

We are a 501 (c) 3 and end of year donations are always appreciated. Please visit us at LakeGastonWaterSafetyCouncil.com.

Brian Goldsworthy
President, LGWSC

Become a Member of the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council

Memberships are $5.00 per person - $10.00 per family $10.00 per Business.