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Sadly we won't be meeting in June.  The Kennon House is not ready yet to set up the buffet.  Fingers crossed for a July 29th meeting although to be honest, not sure I would take that bet. 

During this hiatus the board has distributed the information packets to local marinas and realtors.  Although the safety trailer is parked at Lake Gaston Outfitters with no bookings, we continue to promote the water safety message via our web site.   In May we had over 500 folks (many first timers) visit the web site which is pretty good.  

There is one thing you can do now is submit payment for your 2020 dues.   If you have paid, please disregard and many thanks.   This can be done by the web site (credit card or Pay Pal) or a good old fashioned check.  Dues are the same since the beginning of time at $5 for individual or $10 for family or business.  You can also write a check payable to Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, PO Box 207, Henrico, NC, 27842. 

What's the web site you ask?   Hopefully you have previously visited but it’s www.LakeGastonWaterSafetyCouncil.com.  

As always your dues and perhaps a sweetener donation are all tax deductible.  

The lake is getting busy (well, not this rainy week).   Please be careful out there.  


It’s that time of the year to get the new packets assembled for delivery to marinas and realtors.  Each packet contains a large lake map, WSC application along with other important information for new boaters and homeowners.   

We will bring extra maps (always a popular item) to hopefully our first meeting in June.  

Operation Dry Water and the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) are Operation Dry Water - National Safe Boating Weekreminding boaters during National Safe Boating Week, May 16 – 22, 2020, to boat sober this summer. National Safe Boating Week brings attention to important lifesaving tips for recreational boaters and takes place just prior to Memorial Day weekend, the kick-off of the boating season for many. Millions of boaters will head to the water, taking advantage of the warmer weather while honoring, celebrating and remembering all those who lost their lives while serving our country. Unfortunately, alcohol use by both operators and passengers often becomes part of these activities, causing an increase in the number of injuries, incidents and fatalities on the water.

Just because we aren't meeting doesn't mean safety on the water isn't important   We continue to post water safety-related information on this web site    We hope you find this information useful.

The Board has elected to cancel the May meeting.  We are still dealing with social distancing requirements and no end yet to permitting gatherings of more than 10 persons.   

Become a Member of the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council

Memberships are $5.00 per person - $10.00 per family $10.00 per Business.