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Due to COVID 19 Flotilla 9-3 was restricted in conducting operations at LKG. Today Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 9-3 has been cleared to resume limited activities. We will have Boater Safety Classes with a limit of 10 students per class. We have 4 openings for a class this Saturday July 11. Call 252-535-3335 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to reserve a space. We will also have a class August 1 and again on August 22. Again class size is limited so reserve your seat now.

Published on behalf of the County of Brunswick County -  Stay Clear of Hazard Buoys  

This a reminder to all users of Lake Gaston to practice safe boating.  The County of Brunswick (Pea Hill Creek and Poplar Creek) has installed buoys for your safety.  They provide warnings, information, mark underwater hazards and provide a system for navigation.  Unfortunately, we have noticed an uptick in damages to buoys.  Damages to buoys will result in fines.  

Please take care while boating and enjoy your time on Lake Gaston!  

To report damaged buoys, please call the County of Brunswick at 434-848-3107.  

In County of Mecklenburg at 434-738-6191  

In North Carolina waters contact NC Wildlife at 919-707-0150

BOLO (Be on the lookout for) Lake Gaston Buoys and Markers

Do Not Pass Between Buoy and Nearest Land

Clearance Height


Danger - Stay Clear by 50 Feet

Mile Marker with Light East End #1 to West End #32

Narrow Channel with Light No Skiing, Tubing, or Wake Boards

Danger Sharp Curve

Slow No Wake

Slow No Wake with Light

State Line with Light

Swim area

Someone asked us on Facebook to post something to remind boaters to be extra courteous this busy holiday week. For those not on Facebook, here it is. If you have some pet peeves about boater safety, send us an email.

Please, please be extra careful and be courteous out on the water this holiday week. The regulars know how busy the lake gets and first-time vacationers will quickly realize with all the boats and jet skis out on the water it will look like organized chaos; ok unorganized chaos. Please be mindful of the rules on the waterway. When in doubt best advice is to yield. I view an approaching boat with the assumption it's their first time on the water. This is not the week to see how fast your boat can go.

Remember you are responsible for your wake. Slow down in the coves and be respectful of the property owner's shoreline and boathouses. In NC, jet skis (PWC) must stay 100 feet from docks, shorelines and swimmers. In VA, it's 50 feet. It’s the law. When approaching a law enforcement boat engaged with another boater, slow down and give them a wide berth.

Wear the PDF and don’t drink and drive. To keep everyone on their toes I’d expect to see the USCG out there this weekend and they will be looking for operators driving their boat in a reckless fashion and operators drinking and driving.

When approaching any No Wake zone, that means no wake before passing the markers. Just a reminder the Eaton Ferry Bridge is a No Wake zone.

We should have wonderful weather this weekend so let’s all enjoy this beautiful lake to ensure everyone gets home safely.

If you would like more water safety tips, please visit LakeGastonWaterSafetyCouncil.com.

Lake Gaston Water Safety Council we can add to the list.

Water is as high as I’ve seen it on the main lake in 5 years.  Someplace on the lake there is a pontoon boat wedged into a culvert.  It’s on Facebook.  

Become a Member of the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council

Memberships are $5.00 per person - $10.00 per family $10.00 per Business.