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Your Board has decided it is best to cancel the March 25 monthly meeting.  Health and safety of our members is our first priority.  
We will re-evaluate April plans next month.  
Everyone stay safe and practice thorough hand washing.  I’ve found CDC.gov a great place to visit daily.  

On February 13 your Board of Directors had our first meeting of the new year.   Thought you might be interested in the highlights.  

We already have 3 scheduled deployments for April;  two Lakeside Learning Days for middle school kids in partnership with the LGA and on April 2, something different in that we will be participating in a Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours along with the LGA.  This is an effort to reach a different audience to talk about water safety.  

But first, over the next 6 weeks the trailer must be inspected, restocked with brochures and then moved from winter storage   

The new web site is working well   Tell us what you think   

We will be running 2 1/4 page ads in the spring and summer issues of the Lake Life magazine.

Dominion advises the 36 new mile markers are in and will be deployed soon.

We have been notified the USCG will visit the lake this summer.  Make sure you have your boat registration on board and all required safety equipment.  Better yet, invite Flotilla 9-3 to do a free safety inspection and if passed, receive the coveted safety inspection decal.  Having been boarded last summer, I will be requesting the inspection once the weather breaks.

Lastly, happy to report we have a speaker lined up for our first meeting at the Kennon House on March 25    More details to follow   


A long time member and previous Board Member Jean McCarter passed away on Wednesday after an extended illness.

There will be a graveside service on January 16th at 11 am. at Caanan Cemetary in Broadnax VA. It is located at the intersection of Blackridge Rd., Airport Rd., and Caanan Church Rd. in Mecklenberg County. Cards may be sent to her family - Ms. Pat Teske, 132 Waters Rd., Valentines, VA 23887.


Just wanted you to know that we are still here and enjoying the winter season.   As you have noted we have posted on this web site the date of our first monthly meeting in March.  The board will hold our first meeting for 2020 in February.   Once we have that meeting the ball starts to roll down the hill picking up speed and before you know it we are back at Kennon House.  

Thought you might be interested to know we had over 120 visitors to this web site in December so not everyone was Christmas shopping.  

Let us know if you have suggestions for speakers during the 2020 boating season.  If you hear of any lake related safety issue/incidents, please let us know.  In the meantime, let’s enjoy the winter temperatures.   With the leaves now gone it opens up new views of the lake.  I can sit on my easy chair at the house and see the dam from 5.5 miles away.  It’s my million dollar view that lasts until spring.  

We hope you come to enjoy our redesigned web site.    Please bear with us as we learn to navigate.

The LGWSC has adjourned for the season.  We will still post from time time items of interest. Our first meeting for next season will be at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, at Kennon House.  It’s not too late to make a year end donation at LakeGastonWaterSafetyCouncil.com.  We are a 501 (c) (3).   Thanks for your interest and for following the LGWSC.

Become a Member of the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council

Memberships are $5.00 per person - $10.00 per family $10.00 per Business.